Johnson Lake Recordings 2012

After years of thinking this would be a good idea, Tom Maloney finally made use of a winter break and sequestered himself at his in-law's cabin. The goal: 5 songs in 5 days.

Things went better than anticipated as I was done by the evening of day 3. Walks out on the lake were the key to besting writers block or a zoned-out brain.

In addition there were 2 tunes (instrumentals) written; but, I can't yet guarantee that they're original. I'm pretty sure the first one is just Old Mother Flannigan and the second one might be from Garry Harrison. The later popped out while I was waiting for Mike Forsman to come teach me how to plow myself out of being snowed in.

Another interesting note: I brought 4 banjos along and used every one of them!

I put them in the order they were written and they got a little better as my week progressed. So, If time is short, you may consider listening in backwards order.

1. Car Seat
2. Tree Stump Chair
3. Pickel Truck
4. Home
5. Plow Truck
6. Matt 20
7. Wait

If you listen to them once, great. If you find yourself listening to them more, please consider donating $5-$10 to your favorite charity. If you can't think of a charity, here's one I like:

Maloney CD donation
c/o Tamarack Dance Association
1428 E Belmont St
Duluth, MN 55805